For visitors who are driving to Mozambique, please ensure that your vehicle meets the following compulsory legal requirements. All the items in this list are compulsory. Your vehicle may be impounded if it does not meet all these requirements:
Regulations require that drivers of motor vehicles carry original or certified documents proving ownership of the vehicle. The driver needs to be in possession of the following documentation:
• If the vehicle is owned by the driver, the driver must present an original or certified copy of the vehicle registration or vehicle license document at the border post. Documents can by certified in your country by the police. (Although you can also get them certified by a commissioner of oaths, a lawyer from a recognized professional body or other legal authority, the police are the best choice) When requesting a certified copy, you need to provide the original documents to the certifying authority for verification. Mozambique accepts certified copies of vehicle registration documents and it’s better to leave originals in a safe place and bring certified copies.
• If the vehicle is not owned by the driver and is still being financed by the bank or other financial institution, the driver will require an authorization letter from the financial institution or bank authorizing the driver to take the vehicle out of the country. Although banks have a standard letter for this purpose, ensure that the following details are present on the letter: The country and the dates of travel, name and passport number of the driver, vehicle registration number, engine and chassis number. The authorization letter needs to be signed by the police. In addition to this authorization letter, please ensure that you also get a certified copy of the vehicle registration document or vehicle license document.
• If the vehicle is not owned by the driver or by the bank, but by a company or another person, the driver will require an affidavit from the owner of the vehicle or from the company that needs to be signed by police. (Signature by a commissioner of oaths will not be accepted.) The affidavit needs to give owner’s permission for the driver to use the vehicle and should include the following details: The country and the dates of travel, name and passport number of the driver, vehicle registration number, engine and chassis number. In addition, please ensure that you also get a certified copy of the vehicle registration document or vehicle license document, and a certified copy of the registered owner’s identity document.
• If the vehicle is being rented from a vehicle rental company, the driver must obtain a border letter from the vehicle rental company authorizing the driver to take the vehicle out of the country. This letter should indicate the country and the dates of travel, name and passport number of the driver, vehicle registration number, engine and chassis number. Please also ensure that you get a certified copy of the vehicle registration document or vehicle license document and also a certified copy of the registered owner’s identity document (if applicable).
• In some cases you may require a letter of authorization from your insurance company to take the vehicle out of the country. The letter must indicate the country and dates of travel. Also find out if your current insurance plan will cover you and your vehicle in Mozambique. Note that regardless of what insurance plan you currently have, you are legally required to purchase additional Mozambican Third Party Insurance. Please see the next point:
• Regardless of what insurance plan the vehicle currently has, Mozambique requires that ALL foreign registered vehicles purchase separate Mozambican Third Party Insurance. This can be obtained from the border, or can be purchased online beforehand. Third party insurance is usually issued for 30 days, but may be longer if required. recommends that you purchase this Third Party Insurance Online to avoid one less queue at the border, save time and prevent hassles. It is illegal to enter Mozambique without this third party insurance. Mozambican Authorities have a legal obligation to impound any vehicle that does not have Mozambican Third Party Insurance.
• Ensure that you have a valid driver’s license, and make sure that it is not expired or will not expire while you are in Mozambique. Mozambique recognizes driver’s licenses issued by SADC countries. However, recommends that you obtain an International Driver’s License from the AA or other issuing authority in your country. Citizens of other countries will require an International Driver’s License. These are usually issued immediately and do not require an additional driving test. When obtaining an International Driver’s License, you will be asked to produce your local license and two or more color passport photographs. On the rare case that a police officer refuses to give you back your driver’s license, handing over an international driver’s license ensures that you do not lose your original local license. Note that it is illegal for the police to keep your driver's license unless it has expired, it has previously been suspended or revoked, the driver is under the influence, or the license is suspected to be falsified. For more information see: Road Laws and Driving Guidelines
• If you are towing a trailer, caravan or other vehicle, please ensure that you have the trailer license and that it is still valid and will not expire while you are in Mozambique.
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All vehicles are required to carry the following safety accessories when entering Mozambique: These items can be purchased at the AA, Makro, or other vehicle accessory supplier.
• 2 x Red Emergency Reflector Triangles. The triangles must be self-standing - i.e, able to stand on their own without needing to be supported by something else. This is required by law.
• 2 x Reflective Vests/Jackets. These need to be greenish/yellow. Any other color is not accepted.
• Every Vehicle must have a black and white sticker indicating its country of registration. For example, South African vehicles are required to have a black and white ZA sticker, while Zimbabwean and Botswana vehicles are required to have a ZW or BW sticker respectively. These stickers need to be stuck on the back of the vehicle and must be visible if you are towing a trailer. The trailer should also have a country code sticker on the back.
• Towing Sticker: Blue Square with a yellow triangle inside for vehicles that are towing. One sticker must be stuck on the front right of the vehicle (usually on the front right of the bumper), and another blue and yellow triangular sticker must be stuck on the back right of the object that is being towed. This sticker is not needed for vehicles that are not towing. If you are not towing, but have a tow-bar/tow-hitch on the vehicle, you are not required to have this sticker on the front of your vehicle - however, there have been many reported incidences of police harassing motorists who don’t have this sticker if the vehicle has a tow-bar/tow-hitch, even if they are not towing. To avoid being harassed, ensure that you have this sticker on the front right of your vehicle if you have a tow-bar/tow-hitch.
• Working vehicle fire extinguisher. Must be recently serviced or still within its service period. If you are purchasing a new one stick the receipt to the extinguisher. If you can mount it securely, please do so, otherwise place it on the floor at the back within reach of the driver. Do not keep the extinguisher on the back seat.
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• Do not place suitcases, cooler boxes or other items on the back seat. If you absolutely have to, please ensure that they are properly secured and will not move in the event of an accident.
• Please take a look at our Road Laws and Driving Guidelines. This document has some important information for safe driving within Mozambique.
• Please also take a look at Traveller Allowances. This document lists the items and quantities that you are allowed to bring into Mozambique duty free, what items must be declared, and what items and quantities you are required to pay duty on. It also lists items that are prohibited in Mozambique.
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